Life is composed of shared experiences, where interchanging ideas is crucial...

Dr. Felix Schweizer, at the National
Academy of Sciences, Woods Hole, MA.

Dr. Stuart Cogan, Dallas TX

Dr. Bernice Grafstein, first female president of the Society for Neuroscience. Trustee and Vice-President of the Grass Foundation — at MBL Woods Hole, MA
Grass Fellows 2019, at the National
Academy of Sciences, Woods Hole, MA.

Dr. Dominique Durand, at SfN

Learning to prepare Margaritas from Dr- Edward Kravitz, the discoverer of GABA as neurotransmitter.

Dr. Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, at his lab,
University of California, San Francisco.

Dr. Melissa Coleman, Grass Lab director, at a Sunday dinner on the beach. Woods Hole, MA.

Dr. Gilles Laurent, Forbes lecturer from the Max Plank Institute, great research time at Woods Hole, MA.

Dr. Kathleen Cullen, from John Hopkins, Biomedical Engineering, I hosted her visit at MBL, MA.

Dr. Stuart Cull-Candy, at the Gordon Conferences in Cerebellum. MA.
My two mentors: Dr. Ataulfo Martinez-Torres and Dr. Mario Romero-Ortega, at UNAM.
Dr. Annalisa Buffo, at Department of Neurosciences, Torino, Italy.
Dr. Pablo Rudomin, Recognized Physiologist and Neurosceintist Mexican.
Dr. Ramon Latorre, leader in biophysics of ionic channels, Valdivia, Chile.


Dr. Kip Ludwig, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, amazing research.
Dr. György Buzsáki’s ...
The Brain from Inside Out
special invited at the Grass Lab, 2019
With Dr. Akay, Dr. Romero and the team of Biomedical Engineering at Point of Care Technologies/IEEE conference (Houston, March 2022)
Named Scholastics Director of the RISE-STEM summer research at the RNNL, College of Medicine, University of Houston.